Chicken legs with mushroom and vegetables

Csirkecomb gombas zoldsegekkel

Chicken legs with mushroom and vegetables


  • 500 g chestnut mushroom
  • 500 g green beans
  • 500 g carrots
  • 5-6 chicken legs
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic
  • tarragon
  • oil, salt and pepper

Place the chicken legs in a lightly greased ovenproof dish. Season with salt, sprinkle with tarragon, cover, and cook in the oven at 180°C for half an hour.

Trim the green beans and leave whole. Slice the carrots into thick rings, and halve or quarter the mushrooms, depending on their size. Mix together in a bowl, stir in the chopped garlic, season with salt, then add to the dish next to the chicken legs. Cover and return to the oven for another half an hour, then remove the lid and cook for 10 minutes to allow the meat to turn golden.

The vegetables are added after the first half an hour to ensure they retain their crispiness and are not overcooked.