Turkey breast with roasted beetroot, roasted mushrooms and mandarin

Pulykamell mandarinos gombamartassal

Turkey breast with roasted beetroot, roasted mushrooms and mandarin


  • 1.5 kg turkey breast (cut into 2or 3 large pieces)
  • for the marinade: honey, mustard, poultry seasoning, oil
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 500 g button mushrooms (with small heads)
  • juice of 1 mandarin
  • mustard, honey, lemon juice
  • 4–5 small beetroots
  • oil, salt and pepper

Thoroughly combine the ingredients for the marinade, add the turkey breast pieces and leave in the fridge overnight. The next day, fry the meat in a little oil until a crust forms, then place in an ovenproof dish with a lid and roast until tender.

Add the diced onion and a little more oil to the juices remaining in the pan. Fry the onion, then add the mandarin juice, a little honey, and a little mustard if desired. Add the whole mushroom heads (if using mushrooms with larger caps you will need to quarter them) and mix well.

Wrap the beetroots in aluminium foil and roast at 180°C until soft. Allow to cool, then peel and dice. Season with salt and pepper and a splash of lemon juice to bring out the flavour. The citrus fruits will add a whole new dimension to the earthy mushrooms and beets.